Spring til indhold


Sprog og internationale studier, engelsk 2024

Welcome to LISE, Language and International Studies, English (Sprog og Internationale Studier, Engelsk)! We look forward to three years with you engaging issues in international affairs, global politics and culture, and getting your English ready for an international job market. Our teachers and administrative staff are here to help, and we look forward to making the start of your study as comfortable as possible. Get ready for your LISE journey – where you will start gaining the knowledge you need for an internationally-oriented career orientation, making your mark on the world of international political and cultural relations. Please be aware that you will have books to purchase in the university bookshop (though some of your classes will not have books and have files to read through Moodle, our online teaching platform). Those should be ready for you by the start of August.


Sprog og internationale studier, engelsk 2024

Welcome to LISE, Language and International Studies, English (Sprog og Internationale Studier, Engelsk)! We look forward to three years with you engaging issues in international affairs, global politics and culture, and getting your English ready for an international job market. Our teachers and administrative staff are here to help, and we look forward to making the start of your study as comfortable as possible. Get ready for your LISE journey – where you will start gaining the knowledge you need for an internationally-oriented career orientation, making your mark on the world of international political and cultural relations. Please be aware that you will have books to purchase in the university bookshop (though some of your classes will not have books and have files to read through Moodle, our online teaching platform). Those should be ready for you by the start of August.


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Før du starter

Inden du starter på studiet, er der nogle ting, du skal gøre og have styr på.


Få svar på alt fra, hvor du skal være til hvad du skal have med.


På AAU gør vi meget ud af, at du får en god studiestartsperiode. Nedenfor kan du få et indblik i, hvordan din første tid på studiet kommer til at forløbe sig, samt hvad du skal være opmærksom på i løbet af studiestarten.


Mød dine medstuderende

The Facebook group for first year students at your study programme is a great place to start if you want to meet your new fellow students and tutors.
